75 year old male with sob and b/l pedal edema

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75 year old male k/c/o hypertension and diabetes presented to general medicine opd with the chief complaints of sob of grade 3-4 

HOPI -patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 years ago when he was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes mellitus ,for which he was prescribed medicine and patient used them religiously as he was working as a RMP himself , 2 years back patient developed b/l pedal edema and was taken to the hospital ,only to be diagnosed with chronic kidney failure and was prescribed medications which he used regularly but his pedal edema did not resolve ,patient has also undergone 2 sessions of dialysis last sesssion 18/10/2022 ,patient also complaints of several episodes of hypoglycaemia where in he’d sleep and on trying to wake him up he’d be unresponsive , everytime such an incident would occur he’d be visited by a doctor and would be given glucagon inj and was advised to take sugars such as Coca Cola or sugar while sensing  such a feelings,also complaints of frequent episodes of fever for which he’d be given a paracetamol tab everytime 

20 days back patient was laying down on his bed when he developed sob of grade 2 then progressed to grade 3-4 associated with b/l pedal edem and was immediately brought to Kims narketpally .

PAST HISTORY -patient is a known as of hypertension,diabetes mellitus since 10 years and ckd since 2 years .

DRUG HISTORY-Nicardia 20 mg ,Glimi-1 mg 

FAMILY HISTORY - no significant family history 

PERSONAL HISTORY- 75 years old married male with 5 daughter and one son ,worked as an rmp retired years back .

20 days back Patient was completely independent and would wake up at 6:00 am everyday and drink tea by 8:00 am while reading a newspaper and have adequate sleep and good appetite ,he’d take his medications by himself .

•Diet - mixed 

•Appetite - reduced since 20 days 

•Bowel and bladder - since the time being diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension patient complaints of increased micturation and defecation .

•Sleep - increased since 20 days and in a drowsy state .

•Addictions - patient used to consume alcohol and biddi 30 years down the lane 


patient is semiconscious, drowsy ,semi coherent and coperative 


BP-120 /70 mmhg 

PR -88bpm, regular 


TEMP -98 celcius 

SpO2-92 percent at room air 

Systemic examination


On palpation

Apex beat was felt in the 5 th inter coastal space medial to the mid clavicular line 

Jvp was normal 

No precordial bulge 

No parasternal heave 

-S1,S2 heard no murmurs 


On inspection 

Chest is b/l symmetrical 

Expansion of chest equal on both sides 

Position of trachea -central 

No visible scars sinuses 

On palpation 

Expansion of chest was equal on both sides 

Position of trachea -central 

Tactile vocal fremitus -was felt 

On percussion 

all lung areas resonant 

On auscultation

BAE + ,wheeze present 

Vocal resonance - all areas resonant 

PER ABDOMEN -soft no tender no organomegaly , bowel sounds heard 


All cranial nerves are intact functioning 

Motor system examination 

Normal bulk in upper and lower limbs 

Normal time in upper and lower limb

Normal power in upper and lower limb 

Gait is normal 

Reflexes are normal 

Sensory examination 

Normal sensations are felt in all the dermatomes 

NFND , HMF intact 

No cerebellar signs 

No meningeal signs 



HEMOGRAM -3/11/2022

Serum creatinine 

                                     Blood urea  

Urine culture 
Hemo  gram 

Patient was also referred of ophthalmology consult to rule out hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy but was not found on complete examination 

Patient was reffered for surgery consult in view of wound since 15 days 

on examination 

A 8x 6 cms lesions in anal region was found which was non tender no local rise of temp and sluff was present with dark pigmentation of skin ,no active discharge 

A wound in the right hip region of 3x2 cms with pigmentation ,non tender ,no local ride of temp ,no active discharge .

A wound over right heel with dark pigmentation non tender no local rise of temp 

Patient was advised regular change of position and movements along with regular dressings 

PROVISIONAL  DIAGNOSIS-CKD on MHD with diabetic neuropathy ?

K/c/o htn and type -2 diabetes mellitus.


Tab.LASIX -40mg /po/BD 

TAB.Met-XL -25 mg /po/OD

TAB.Nicardia -10mg/po/BD


TAB.Orofer-XT po/BD

Inj EPO 4000U s/c weekly once 

Salt water restriction 

Inj HAI s/c acc to GRBS 
