24 year old with episode of seizure

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome."


  • The person in question is 24 years old and lives in Chittyal.
  • She is a computer operator at MRDO.
  • Her chief complaint is an episode of seizure that occurred at 7 pm one day ago 

  • She woke up at 6:30 am.
  • At 11:00 am, She had breakfast which consisted of rice and chicken.
  • At 2 pm, She went about her day as usual since it was Eid
  • She prepared food.
  • until 3:30 pm, She took a nap.
  • Later on, She prepared food 
  • blacked out ,attenders noticed sudden involuntarily movements of all four limbs initially stretched her right upper limb and lower limb followed by continuous movement of all four limbs lasting for 3 minutes each ,3 episodes occurring with in the span of one and a half hour
  • H/o of loss of coinsciousness
  • H/o of deviation of eyes towards right ,absent blink
  • H/o of drowsiness for 45 mins followed by which patient woke up and had reduced movement of right upper and lower limb for 1-2 hrs
  • During the episode , She had foaming of saline in mouth ,deviation of mouth and shouted aloud(epileptic cry) associated with postictal confusion not associated with lateral tongue bite ,aura,urinary incontinence ,associated paralysis
  • Patient complaints of band headache which is dull aching ,continuous more in frontal region not associated with nausea vomitting ,phono/photophobia,tearing of eyes ,blurring of vision ,facial pain ,change in instensitt with movements
    • No h/o fever
    • No H/O rash, photophobia, joint pain/swelling
    • No h/o menstrual irregularities
    • No h/a/o cranial nerve involvement.
    • No h/o previous or current Sensory
      symptoms(positive or negative)
    • No h/s/o motor weakness.


  • K/c/o epilepsy .
  • In the past, the individual had an episode of seizure.as a
  • child

  • During the 10 months of pregnancy, she was admitted to a government hospital as she did not experience any labour pains until she had a seizure at 7:00 pm. The next day, they had a cesarean section, and the baby's birth weight was 4 kgs.male child.

  • 8 months ago she went for a general check-up organised by her office ,was advised to visit without eating breakfast. She completed several tests, including ophthalmology and ultrasound, before eating food and returning to Mrdo.while on duty at 11:00 am experienced an episode of seizure while in the office ,patient doesn’t not remember anything prior and later the episode


  • She had her first period (menarche) at 14 years old with a 30-day cycle lasting 6-7 days, requiring 2 pads per day with no clots or pain.
  • The individual got married at 17 years old in a consanguineous marriage. After 1 year of marriage, they had their first child through spontaneous conception. During the 10 months of pregnancy, they were admitted to a government hospital as she did not experience any labour pains until she had a seizure at 7:00 pm. The next day, they had a cesarean section, and the baby's birth weight was 4 kgs.male child.

    Not k/c/o Type 2DM, HT, Tuberculosis.

    previous admissions to the hospital 8 months back when she was advised to take leveritacetam 500mg tablets (twice daily psotprandial)


    Grandfather suffered from similar complaints


    leveritacetam 500mg tablets (twice daily postprandial)since 6 months


    No surgical history


    The individual got married at 17 years old in a consanguineous marriage. After 1 year of marriage, they had their first child through spontaneous conception.

    Had her second child 2 years later through spontaneous conception ,delivered at 9(1/2)months of pregnancy ,birth weight of 3.5 kgs girl child

    DIET -mixed

    APPETITE -normal

    BOWEL AND BLADDER -regular

    SLEEP -adqueate

    ADDICTIONS -none



    GTCS secondary to non compliance to drugs
